Ready to navigate the currents of life with confidence and purpose.

A Day by the Bay: Crafting Your Educational Journey

At The Academy, we've designed a daily schedule that adapts to the evolving needs of our students, nurturing their growth and independence. Dive into our daily rhythm:

IGNITE (8:30-9:45 AM)

As the sun rises over the serene Georgian Bay, we believe in a later start to the day to align with the natural rhythms of teenagers. While supervision begins at 8:30 AM, students are encouraged to arrive after a restorative 8-10 hours of sleep. This time is your canvas to prepare a nourishing meal from our kitchen, engage in physical activities, and connect with peers, just as the bay's waters mingle with the shore.

CONNECT (9:45- 10:00)

Like waves meeting the shore, our community gathers in a circle. We kick off the day with a sense of togetherness, setting the tone for what's to come.

DEEP WORK (10:00- 12:00)

As the day progresses, students navigate their educational journey through their Ontario Virtual School curriculum. Some may choose to explore a single course deeply, while others may ride the currents of multiple subjects. Our flexible approach mirrors the tranquil nature of the bay, allowing you to chart your own academic course.

REFUEL (12:00- 12:45)

Lunchtime is a chance to refuel, much like the fresh waters of Georgian Bay nurture life within. Our center's kitchen is your culinary sanctuary, where you'll prepare fresh, nutritious meals. Workshops will help you master these essential life skills. You can also stretch your legs, explore the local area, or simply bask in the peaceful surroundings during this rejuvenating break.

REFOCUS (12:45- 1:00)

Just as the lake's waters remain steady, we gather once more. This brief community moment helps us chart the course for the afternoon's explorations.

LEVEL UP (1:00- 2:30)

Grab your passport! We’re going on a learning journey! This is your opportunity to explore the vast landscape of experiential learning. Guided by our expert team or guest specialists from the community, you'll dive into topics spanning arts, life skills, health, nutrition, business, entrepreneurship, and sustainability. These experiences are like discovering hidden treasures along the lake's shoreline.

GOAL GETTING (2:30-4:00)

As the day draws to a close, structure gives way to self-directed learning. You may work on your Change the Now Project, accumulate OSSD credits, or engage in an activity of your choosing. Just as the tranquil waters of Georgian Bay invite exploration, you are free to embark on your unique journey, with dismissal available anytime after 3 PM.

Our holistic approach to future readiness shapes young minds, molding them into well-rounded individuals.

Future Ready. Relevant. Flexible.

At The Academy of South Georgian Bay, we are proud to partner with Ontario Virtual School (OVS), a pioneering institution that shares our commitment to empowering students on their educational path. OVS's mission aligns seamlessly with our values, making it an integral part of our approach to crafting purposeful lives. Here's how OVS enhances your academic experience:

Why did we choose to partner with OVS?

  • OVS was founded 13 years ago on the belief that every student possesses the potential for success when they are engaged and active in their learning. Recognizing that traditional education often falls short of meeting the diverse needs of today's learners, OVS sought to provide an alternative model. This model allows students to start and complete courses at their own pace, putting them in control of their learning journey.

  • OVS stands out not only for its online format but for its dynamic and interactive multimedia platform. It goes beyond static text on a screen, offering engaging lessons with animations, videos, simulations, and more. Formative quizzes and homework accompany each lesson to reinforce learning, and teacher-driven assessments are tailored to students' strengths, moving away from standard multiple-choice tests.

  • Quality lessons, varied teacher-led assessments, and outstanding customer service define OVS's approach. With over 130 courses and a dedicated staff of 100+ OCT certified instructors, OVS serves 9000+ students worldwide. Students have access to teachers for support, with responses guaranteed within 24 business hours.

  • At your typical school, there needs to be a teacher qualified and willing to teach a new course code, plus a minimum number of students (22+) also willing and interested for a section to run. With OVS, our students are able to choose from over 130 course codes (and growing) at any time!

  • OVS employs diverse assessment and evaluation methods, allowing students to showcase their learning through assignments, essays, projects, video presentations, tests, and more. This flexibility fosters a deeper understanding of course content. With their integrated calendar tool, students determine their due and test dates!

  • OVS maintains a Student Code of Behavior and closely monitors engagement patterns to provide additional support where needed. This commitment to individualized attention ensures every student receives the guidance necessary for success. Parents and the team at GB Prep have access to the student dashboard and are constant communication with our OVS teaching partners.

We are honored to collaborate with Ontario Virtual School to provide our students with an enriched educational experience. OVS's track record of excellence, with a 98% post-secondary acceptance rate, speaks to its commitment to academic success. As a top-ranked online school in Canada, OVS reflects our dedication to crafting purposeful lives through quality education.