A school designed for each individual to become future-ready

Within the ever-evolving realm of education, tradition has its place, but the call of progress is unrelenting. Merely following a path for 150+ years does not inherently make it the best route. The time has come to envision a new educational landscape, one that respects our accumulated wisdom and adapts to our newfound knowledge. The current educational system, rooted in the past, awaits a contemporary transformation.

Here at The Academy, we wholeheartedly embrace this journey of redefinition and rejuvenation, crafting lives that are driven by purpose, resonate with impact, and are prepared to embrace the challenges of a rapidly evolving world.

Ready to Dive In? Explore the Resources Below and Join the Movement for Change.

Jessica Flynn Jessica Flynn

Pedagogical Philosophy - why we believe in what we are doing

We believe GB Prep can be a leader in how we can do school better. We have designed a day that is structured around the science of how teenagers learn. We have built a program that incorporates the ministry of Education’s curriculum for courses, but elevates the school day around it. We will leverage the local communities expertise to offer real projects based in our community. We will leverage our local environment to spend meaningful time learning about and finding ways to care for the future of our planet.

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Jessica Flynn Jessica Flynn

Do Schools Kill Creativity?

Sir Ken Robinson's TED talk titled "Do Schools Kill Creativity?" is one of the most popular and influential TED talks of all time. In this talk, Robinson addresses the issue of how traditional education systems often stifle the natural creativity and imagination of children.

This video is WELL worth your time and will help articulate many of the issues with the existing school system and equally excite you for the possibilities of being a part of school that champions curiosity.

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Jessica Flynn Jessica Flynn

School Done Differently

Leaning on the research and design methodologies being pioneered at Stanford University, the K12 Lab promotes radical approaches to centering modern students in how to build learning experiences that are relevant to the world we live in, and want to shape.

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Jessica Flynn Jessica Flynn


At GB Prep we have the intentional ability and time to develop relationships with each student that allows for the proper use of conversations and observations to demonstrate learning. WE know that students are so much more than a test score, but crowded classrooms and outdated practices rely too heavily on these methods.

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Jessica Flynn Jessica Flynn

Most Likely to Succeed

Most Likely To Succeed is a thought-provoking documentary feature film that reveals the growing shortcomings of conventional education methods in today’s innovative world. The film explores compelling new approaches that aim to revolutionize education as we know it, inspiring school communities to reimagine what students and teachers are capable of doing. To date, MLTS has screened for thousands of audiences around the world, igniting conversations and empowering change along the way.

From Director Greg Whiteley (Last Chance U, Mitt,) and Executive Producer Ted Dintersmith (author, Most Likely to Succeed).

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