School Done Differently

Student-centered Learning

K-12 Lab (Stanford d.School):

The K12 Lab aims to obliterate opportunity gaps in elementary and secondary education by designing new, more equitable models and sharing design approaches with students + educators. 

Leaning on the research and design methodologies being pioneered at Stanford University, the K12 Lab promotes radical approaches to centering modern students in how to build learning experiences that are relevant to the world we live in, and want to shape. Through applied research and a network of professionals, the K12 lab continues to champion methods of a better education system. 

A great example is the K12 Lab exploration of technology use. It is apparent to us that technology plays a huge role in the current and future state of the world. At Georgian Bay Prep we believe in diving into technology use and learning with our students to understand how to best use it today, and how we might best use it tomorrow. 


Do Schools Kill Creativity?

